Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Genealogy Community. has moved AGAIN

Welcome to the AOL Genealogy Community. You may notice some changes within the community over the course of the next few weeks.

Some of these adjustments include navigational changes and the placement of chats and message boards within the AOL Parenting Community.

You will also see some new hosting faces as the familiar hosting faces you are used to seeing are in the process of receiving new HOST FMLY and LDRS FMLY names.The Genealogy Community now falls within the family of Parenting Communities.

You are invited to explore all we have to offer within Parenting. You can find it all at AOL Keyword: Parent-to-Parent. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with the Parenting Community standards, that can be found at AOL Keyword: Parenting Chat Standards and AOL Keyword: Parenting Board Standards.We look forward to growing the community with you. Thank you for your valued contributions to the Genealogy Community.

Genealogy Community


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