Sunday, December 05, 2004

Posting by IMAP

Well I am still with and paying a silly price per megabit
downloade via their cell phone / mobile telephone as a digital modem Sony
Erikson already blogged
I was able to manually configure the modem after getting an email

But I am using imap which reduces the overhead of images downloaded by the
proper AOL 9.00 application

I have got a second mobile from
an UG8120 apparently made in Korea
which is both faster and cheaper and one for my daughter and so we may see
each other on video

but my log on to their server does not work yet
I had to uninstall the modem and the software then renistall the lot with
the modem drivers last
as a plug and play item in WnXP sp2 to get as far as a handshake (rejected)
with that server


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