Friday, April 22, 2005

Fight Spam in Six Steps

Always Report Spam

Click the button at the bottom of your mailbox to report spam. AOL's tools get smarter the more you use them.

which is one of the reasons why I think that any extra charge for AOL as an ISP is worth every penny.

AOL's Top 10 Most Widely Sent Spam Email Subjects
Fake personal greetings, pharmaceuticals, body-enhancing hormones and finance-related offers were ranked as the most widely recognised junk email subject lines by 'spamwatchers' protecting the AOL service.

Add them to your Custom Word list to help get rid of junk email in your Mailbox.
  • Viagra online (also: Xanax, Valium, Xenical, Phentermine, Soma,
  • Celebrex, Valtrex, Zyban, Fioricet, Adipex, etc.)
  • Online pharmacy (also: "online prescriptions"; "meds online")
  • Get out of debt (also: "special offer")
  • Get bigger (also: "satisfy your partner"; "improve your sex life")
  • Online degree (also: "online diploma")
  • Lowest mortgage rates (also: "lower your mortgage rates"; "refinance"; "refi")
  • Lowest insurance rates (also: "lower your insurance now")
  • Work from home (also: "be your own boss")
  • Hot XXX action (also: "teens"; "porn")
  • As seen on Oprah

Try variations as well, such as gaps between letters, numbers instead of letters (V1agra) and letters missing.

Check out the spam subject lines in your Spam folder for other annoying dodges and add them too.

Some of the newest ones are defeating msn hotmail and gmail spam filters for now - with subjects like Re (10) or How good is your lifestyle? by Mobile Office User get as far as the gmail spam folder or msn inbox - also basically a convincing and nicely written text message with a graphic which loads on opening

but not into my AOL mail boxes.


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